Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lit up, Then under the Weather

Yep, nothing like a nasty case of gastroenteritis to finish up the Christmas holidays. Really draws a line under all those holiday indulgences, don't you think? Sure, there may be leftover peanut butter fudge and a half-bottle of red wine and the last of the devilled eggs in the refrigerator, but you're just hoping that you'll eventually be able to keep down some ice chips, and maybe a Saltine in a couple of hours if you're really feeling frisky.

Christmas night (one day before it all went to hell), Matt and I drove the girlies over to this house in Van Buren that really does the holidays up right. My Aunt Pam's directions to me consisted of, "Okay, you get to the intersection with the Walgreen's and you take a left. Pass the Dollar General, take a left at the three-way stop, and then, you can just follow the cars."

Have you ever been to a house so done up with Christmas lights that there's a line of cars waiting to drive past it every night? A house where they have their own radio broadcast frequency, so that you can listen to their own personal Christmas mix on your radio as you drive by? A house where all the lights are choreographed to dance along to that Christmas mix?

I hope you have, but if you haven't, then you can take a look-see at this one:

And sometimes? Sometimes! Sometimes, the owner of the house dresses up as Santa and stands out on the street and hands out candy canes.

1 comment:

  1. We have a place like that here. The guy boasts about his $10k monthly electric bill. The town actually ended up coming out and creating a pull off / parking area across the road from the house so that all the people parking to take photos wouldn't cause an accident. We didn't make it out there this year, but the new working and ride-able carousel will definitely get us out there next year.

    Glad you're feeling better!
