Monday, November 1, 2010


One thing about Halloween being on Sunday, at the very smack-end end of the week, is that you basically get to celebrate ALL. WEEK. LONG.

And we did:

We made yummy Halloween treaties:
 Can you tell that they're supposed to be Jack-o-Lanterns?

We ate yummy Halloween treaties at each of the THREE Halloween parties that we attended in three days:

You probably recognize every piece of Sydney's outfit, from the Salvation Army "handmade by grandma" dress to the $1 garage sale vintage necklace to the birthday crown. The girlies weren't super-inspired by costuming this year, so they cobbled themselves together a new costume from their dress-up stash for every Halloween event.

We attended Night of the Living Red with the IU men's basketball players, with trick-or-treating, contests, a scrimmage--
--enough free candy to keep a little girl entertained during the scrimmage--
--and a costume parade down on the court with the basketball players, broadcast on the Teletron:
We made even MORE Halloween treats:  
That's another Amelia Bedelia sheet cake, by the way, with pretty much three entire jars of sprinkles thrown on top of it.

We decorated the house all pretty and spooky:
 We made some healthy treats, just so that we could feel good about ourselves:
And then we had a party! Little friends made gak with us--
--were enthralled by the overhead projector--
--loved on all the play dough--
 --and, of course, helped us eat some of our many, MANY Halloween treats:
And here and there and in between, we made Jack-o-Lanterns out of felt and Jack-o-Lanterns out of paper and Jack-o-Lanterns out of pumpkins and even, for keeping for momma's posterity to make her sniffle bittersweetly in twenty or so years, Jack-o-lanterns out of funkins
Willow's is on the left and Sydney's is on the right, with their signature and the year on the back, and I don't care that Matt does beg me to think about ten years from now, when there will be 22 carved funkins to deal with, each baby IS going to make her own funkin Jack-o-lantern every single Halloween from now on.

And lordy, I didn't even talk about the neighborhood trick-or-treating!


  1. Looks like you guys had great fun. Wow so many parties. We did trunk or treating with our homeschool group. Then went trick or treating with neighbors.


  2. It was a busy weekend, that's for sure! My goal had been to make up for not having a class Halloween party this year (which they never really liked that much, anyway--they were too hot in their costumes in the classroom, and they HATED the public speaking component), and I think I achieved that goal.
