Friday, October 15, 2010

Log Cabin

It's not a quilt. I haven't made a log cabin quilt in a coon's age. My goal is to make a log cabin denim quilt big enough to cover me and Matt in our nice warm bed, but considering that I haven't even found the time to photograph and list pinbacks, or my HALLOWEEN stuff, to my pumpkinbear etsy shop, much less sew the girls some nightgowns and myself some T-shirt panties and do the crazy thrifting required to finish collecting the Star Wars T-shirts that I need for Matt's quilt...

Yeah, enough about me. Last weekend, Willow mentioned that she wanted to make a "real" log cabin out of twigs. Syd and I gathered some fallen sticks around the yard, and then I sat down on the porch and broke the sticks into a big pile of roughly 6" pieces, and then promptly forgot about it. Don't worry--I can totally forget all about something even if I have to practically step over it to get in the house.

And yet, forgotten by me, there it still sat, apparently remembered by my daughter, and convenient enough for her to carry into the house one day after a bike ride, pile onto the living room table, and, using the glue gun already sitting there and ready to plug in (ahem...we use a lot of hot glue?), a log cabin came together:
Mid-way through, she stopped so that I could use the cut-off wheel on my Dremel to cut a door into the cabin, but I have no final shot to show you, as apparently the cabin still requires mud walls and, I'm not sure for what, but also "leaves."


  1. Most excellent!!

    And that reminds me - I need to buy another case of hot glue sticks.

  2. "Don't worry--I can totally forget all about something even if I have to practically step over it to get in the house." Man, that sounds eerily like me.

    I know where Willow inherited her crafty creativity from!
