Sunday, October 3, 2010

Etsy Reshoots, or, Welcome to the Light Tent

Instead of doing the etsy work and craft fair work that perhaps I ought to have done this week, I spent it housecleaning, watching movies with the girlies (Ballet Shoes with one, and Ape to Man with the other--want to guess which kid is which?), joining them in all their little projects and fantasies, bicycling around the park, playing on the playground, reading and reading and reading, and planning some plans for the education of October.

However, now I'm beginning to feel the panic that is entitled "I MUST MUST MUST Get My Etsy Holiday Updates Done!".

So of course my Matty took the girlies off for a good long while today to watch football (football must be watched in an empty classroom on campus, on account of we don't have viewable TV here), and the perfect opportunity presented itself to get in a good, long etsy photoshoot.

If only it wasn't rainy and gross and overcast outside.

In other news, did I already tell you about my light tent? I found the plans, years ago, for an excellent DIY light tent to make out of scrap lumber and white ripstop nylon and it just, you know, never got done. Familiar tale. Anyway, at a garage sale this summer what do I see, but the exact same light tent that I was going to make, handmade very well out of scrap lumber and white ripstop nylon! I want to say it cost five dollars, but Matt says that it cost two, and he's the one who holds the money when we go to garage sales, so I guess he would know.

Storing this light tent is an absolute bitch, and yet I love it so.

Back to today--gross day outside, out comes the light tent inside. Want to see what it can make of a shot taken inside my dark living room on a dark day? Here you go:
For shooting pictures inside our house, which has absolutely no natural light to speak of, it's a dream.

The little tree pinback photos are much improved:
I'd tell you that tomorrow I'm going to keep updating my pumpkinbear etsy shop with even more pinback reshoots and list some new pinbacks and the red, white, and blue crayon rocket pops, but...

Tomorrow, we're going to the apple orchard. We're going to play more games and do more projects. We may make pinwheels out of watercolor paintings. We'll go to the park, and Willow might bring her skateboard instead of her bike. We'll make pumpkin bread. Perhaps we'll sponge paint orange pumpkins and black bats on the windows.

In other words, business will happen when it happens.

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