Thursday, September 16, 2010

Strange Little Busy Bees

What have I been busy doing? Why, getting ready for Strange Folk! Many, many things have to be done before next weekend.

Have to put together the chia in a cup kits.
Have to water the cups o' chia already planted.
Have to water the dinosaur garden, as well:
Have to make signage.
Have to make record bowls.
Have to find the Pumpkin+Bear business card stamp.
Have to read some tongue twisters:
Have to sew colored pencil rolls.
Have to sew an I Spy quilt.
Have to tie, not sew, some tutus.
Have to tie some tutus for my two, too:
Have to put together an I Spy quilt kit.
Have to put together the clothespin doll kits.
Have to put together the color-your-own bunting kits.
Have to color an example, so everyone knows how cute they come:
Have to figure out a Barbie dress pattern.
Have to figure out a balancing butterfly pattern.
Have to get that toy fossil triceratops out of its slate prison!
Have to bake the crayon pops.
Have to go get some geodes.
Have to drill holes in colored pencils.
Have to take pictures on a sunny day.
Have to play Quirkle when it's cloudy:
At this rate, have to have a margarita tonight after the little pumpkinbears are sleeping.


  1. That sounds like a ton of work! I hope u take some pics of the finished goods. I would love to see some colored pencil wraps.
    It was fun hanging out at the park today.

  2. It was AWESOME at the park! Next week, it'll have to be you and I who have the margarita!
