Thursday, September 2, 2010

Paper Dolls, Only They're not Made of Paper

It seems as if the girls have been everywhere this week, and I along with them--microscope, books, beads, playground, library, playdates, Nancy Drew, Magic Tree House, hearts, glue, macaroni, butterflies,  Schoolhouse Rocks, markers, workbooks, rubber bands, guitar...get the idea?

I've dreamed about these felt playsets for a long while, but it seemed as if I put them together in fifteen-minute increments for almost as long as that. A few minutes of cutting, interspersed with helping a daughter over a sticky moment in a computer game, interspersed with a few minutes of cutting, then taking a break to bake yet another batch of vegan sugar cookies, and eventually--
--the paper doll felt playset gets created, piece by tiny piece.

The Black StallionMy goal is to take many better shots of this playset tomorrow, to share here and on etsy and for craft fair signage, but since I also need to buy elastic cord so to make jingle bell anklets with the girls and a ballet outfit for Sydney to wear to class next week, and make the long-promised oatmeal cookies and the recently-desired mini-pretzel cookies, and read The Black Stallion and another Nancy Drew and however many other chapter books Willow has managed to devour recently, well...

We'll see.

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