Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How Does My Chia Garden Grow?

Very well, thank you.


  1. lovely. do you then eat the seedlings?

  2. I know, right? All I need now is a terra cotta sheep!

    We do eat the seedlings, and the seeds. We generally have a few tablespoons of the seed gel left over after we put the gardens together, and those I mix with a little natural sugar and feed to the girls as a sweet treat--kinda like pudding. And after the chia seedlings have sprouted, we tend to pluck a few seedlings to munch every time we walk by. We don't do a full-on harvest, though, because I like the fairy garden to decline naturally, like the passing of the seasons. I have a plan, though, to have the girls put together a little chia farm, and those we'll definitely harvest.
