Sunday, July 25, 2010

Willow the Photographer

Guess what we bought our brand-new six-year-old for her birthday?
She loves it. Here are just a few of the MANY HUNDREDS of photographs that she's taken in the last week or so:

Lots and Lots of Photos of Whatever is Around Her Anywhere We Go
Lots and Lots of Photos of Me (I am always around her anywhere we go)
Lots and Lots of Photos of Her own Sweet Self
I'm doing the editing and digital developing for her for now, because Will doesn't seem to be interested in her photos after she takes them (why look at photos when you can read?), but I do have a couple of child-friendly photo editing programs in mind to introduce to her, and I have made my peace that I will be visiting the Wal-mart photo kiosk, and often.

And then...scrapbooking?

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