Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Make Way for Ducklings (and Also Little Kids)

When you bring children to Boston, you simply must bring them to the Boston Public Garden, because the Boston Public Garden is where Mr. and Mrs. Mallard and Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack, Nack, Ouack, Pack, and Quack live.

First, you can feed the crusts of your peanut butter and jelly sandwich to the real ducks and ducklings of Boston Public Garden, happily living on and around their own island in the Boston Public Garden Lagoon:

Then, of course, you have to ride the swan boats around the lagoon, although I doubt that you'll find any peanut vendors.

I suggest that you do not attempt to actually retrace Mrs. Mallard's path. It's a dangerous trip--that's why she needed the help of Michael and the other police officers.

I do suggest that you eat a huge ice cream cone, however, then keep walking down the path, and soon you'll come upon a wonderful surprise--Mrs. Mallard and all eight ducklings!

They're a little bigger than life-size, and they don't mind at all if you stand on them--

--or even hop on Mrs. Mallard herself for a brief ride.

After that, feel free to spend the rest of the day as you choose, but after you bring your children back home again for the night, you know what I suggest for a bedtime story...

P.S. Want to follow along with my craft projects, books I'm reading, road trips to weird old cemeteries, looming mid-life crisis, and other various adventures on the daily? Find me on my Craft Knife Facebook page!


  1. Quack! I love ducks. We have two, Emily & Henry, and they are the funniest creatures ever. They are Indian Runner ducks (like the ones in Babe) so they are tall and very fancy. Looks like the girls had lots of fun, yay for ducks! xo

  2. My mom went to Boston and did this, too! (It's fun without children, too!) It made me think of the Peabody ducks in Memphis. Have you ever heard of them?

  3. I have a photo, somewhere, of those ducks. The statues, not the real ones. It was a long time ago. We went to Boston before we had children. Obviously a mistake. Children would have made it far more fun.
