Sunday, June 27, 2010

This is What All the Fuss Was About

A friend of mine, who also was homeschooled as a child, warned me recently that summer is the busiest season for homeschoolers. In summer, you not only have all the regular active homeschooler stuff--and there's a lot of regular active homeschooler stuff!--but you also have all the out-of school schoolkid stuff, the day camps and reading programs and sports classes, etc., not to mention the super-fun extra summer stuff.

And that's how it's been this past week. We've had not just the regular active homeschooler stuff--guitar class and science experiments and playdates and art activities and workbooks--but the out-of school schoolkid stuff--swim class and library programs and movie screenings--and the summer stuff! Berry picking! Ice cream eating! Even more swimming!

The momma stuff, therefore--crafting and blogging and book writing--has been waaaaaaaaay on the back burner. I basically shoved a week's worth of work into a couple of stressful evenings, but the Crafting a Green World articles have been written, the babywearing class has been taught, and the baby bags...

Ah, the baby bags...
They're killing me, I love them so much. I mean, seriously--Guns 'n Roses?!? How could you NOT dress your newborn in a Guns 'n Roses gown?

Anyway, I actually have about four more baby bags all cut out and ready to be sewn, and I need to prep and upload a big update to my pumpkinbear etsy shop with the stuff from my new handmade homeschool line, AND I need to get my application in to Strange Folk 2010 pronto, and I'm totally going to get right on that, but for the next couple of days I think I have more pressing business to accomplish.

I should probably make several meals of stir-fried rice.

And watch this totally insane documentary about Dr. Bronner that I checked out of the library.

And paint the basement hallway in several shades of pink and purple.

Right now, however, there's a summer storm brewing, and I really need to go stand out in the middle of the street and watch it.

Til tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh, so cute! i am not pregnant, and don't plan on it for a little while, but if you made any Joss Whedon themed stuff, i'd buy you out!
