Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Good Foot vs. Bad Foot, and the Dinosaurs

My feet are making me very unhappy of late:
See that foot on the left? The one that's bigger than the foot on the right now? The one that's all swollen and hurts to walk on and has that huge, red, gross infection on top?

Yeah, I may have to get rid of that foot. It's been a big disappointment recently.

These are better:

Grey Gardens - Criterion CollectionI've been up and about more than I should, but even last night, after that darned disappointing foot forced me into bed with Grey Gardens for company, I could still cut out these felt dinos with my foot up. They're for my craft fair season that starts this Saturday, ideally to be joined by many more things to be sewn and done and otherwise manufactured, ideally to be done on two feet that are well and whole and permit me to stand and walk for as long as I want to.
As far as not meeting that ideal...we won't even discuss that.

P.S. Check out my latest posts over at Crafting a Green World--a round-up of DIY business cards (got to get mine done this week...) and a tutorial for repairing a puzzle by making a handmade puzzle piece.


  1. I am heartbroken that I have to work until 3:00p on Saturdays now, and I'll never get to make it to farmer's market...

  2. My friend Meredith will have a booth at the Farmers Market. She is a ceramic artist. Maybe you'll be next to each other!

  3. awesome that you'll be at the farmer's market- i totally missed the deadline. poo! I hope your foot heals- it looks so painful:(

  4. Loved your Crafting a Green World article! I know it's a re-cap of stuff, but it's so well-written, as usual.

    Hey, maybe I'll finally "meet" you for real if we can ever make it out to the Farmers Market...
