Friday, April 2, 2010

Tulips in the Window

Willow has been very much her own girl lately, what with I Spy Fantasy, on cassette, and her guitar, leaving Syd and Momma with plenty of time on their hands for Syd and Momma stuff--paper chains, blueberry muffins, books about seeds and coloring pages about Easter, and other miscellany.

One of the novelties that we play with every so often is a set of window markers that I bought at deep discount sometime or other. They're not super-satisfying (I'm betting you could get better color saturation with straight dry-erase markers; must check sometime on a larger multi-color set of those), but we've been making a point lately to use what we have on hand, and that's why we've been baking with white flour after the whole wheat ran out and decorating our windows with these sort of pale window markers:As an experiment, I taped a stained glass coloring page to the other side of the window and traced it, thinking that Syd might like to color it in like a coloring page. That also wasn't super-satisfying, unfortunately, since you'd have to stay in the lines really well to make it work. Syd discovered that coloring over a previous mark would erase that mark--eh, just scribbling does just happen to be super-fun, so all was still well:And then my Matt brought me flowers home, also in pretty candy colors, and those get to go by the window, too:And did you notice? There's sunshine! Good for window decorations AND candy-colored flowers in a vase.


  1. Aren't they sweet! I love flowers--painted and real--that just don't quite look like the colors that you ought to be able to find in nature.
