Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Today is Tuesday


I wandered bleary-eyed and fog-headed into the kitchen, whimpering for coffee, which my Matt made for me, because he is kind.

I set the girls up with a lemon reamer, two glasses, and a bowl of halved oranges past their prime on a table covered with newspaper. They were thrilled.

Thus, I was able to nearly finish my mug of coffee, and to read almost all of the newspaper, before being pestered.

I answered many emails, a chore that I find annoying.

By the time I finished, I had more emails in my inbox. I will ignore those until tomorrow morning.

I bullied the girls into clothes, packed a lunch, and off we went to the library.

Ms. Christina read LOTS of books, including . The girls have been singing "Zoli, zoli zoli!" all day long.

Ms. Christina also helped us make a drum from a can of coffee and half a balloon; a guitar from another can of coffee, three rubber bands, and a popsicle stick; and a telephone from two paper cups, a length of yarn, and a toothpick broken in half.

Lunch at the library consisted of an apple and carrot and cheese stick each, and a Ziplock bag of popcorn to share. A nice (and nosy, and lonely, likely) little old lady asked me if that was my childrens' snack, and when I told her that it was their lunch, she asked, "Oh, are you vegetarians?" What was I supposed to have brought--hot dogs? I just said yes, because I ALWAYS agree with strangers. It makes them stop talking to you sooner.

We came home with our own copy of Lizard's Song AND Lizard's Home. We have read them often since.

After dropping the girls off at school, I measured the width of the Parents' Library bookshelf, so that I can make it a beautiful sign. It is exactly two feet wide.

Matt blatantly stole Catching Fire from me, even though I'm the one who made him read The Hunger Games and requested the sequel from the library. So instead I'm reading the second Gregor the Overlander book. It's great. I read a couple of chapters while eating last night's leftover potato curry and injera bread. Teff flour=yum.

I do not want to do this, but I cleaned out the refrigerator while listening to podcasts. Gross. And we also have no food.

I uploaded some new favorite photos to my pumpkinbear Imagekind gallery, and spent WAY too long playing with previews. But doesn't my photo of Rose Hill Cemetery look extra nice on rag paper, with two mat boards, and an ornate metallic frame:
Yeah, that's $300 worth of nice.

Now, the greeting cards I could actually afford to buy for myself:
Isn't that cute? Now, who do I know who's going to turn four this spring?

I also uploaded some vintage Smurfs colorforms to my pumpkinbear etsy shop:I scanned these at a crazy-high dpi, and sometime in the future I have a date with these and the magnetic lasso tool in Photoshop. And then I'm going to insert Papa Smurf into all my photos.

I picked the girls up from school, fed them granola bars, and chauffered them over to Sydney's rehearsal for the Spring Ice Show this Friday night. Her class is performing to "Old MacDonald Had a Farm." Sydney is going to be a duck.

Sydney fell down on the ice and threw a fit, so we got to leave early (secret yay!). At home, the girls played outside while I cooked macaroni and nutritional yeast nacho "cheez" from . LOVE that book.

Discovered that the girls had pulled chairs out onto the driveway, and were sitting and watching the traffic. Such cute little redneck kids.

Ate dinner, read books, went to the park after dark. The girls were beside themselves at the adventure of it all. See-sawed in the dark for a very long time, forced to alternate the Zoli Zoli song with See-Saw, Margery Daw. Secretly was listening to ipod at the same time.

Pajamas, toothbrushes, first chapter of Little House on the Prairie. New Moon soundtrack in the CD player.

In a moment, will fold and put away laundry while watching Grey Gardens. Will work on book proposal. Will wait for Matt to come home.

Or will just fall asleep.


  1. such an awesome post. you cover an awful lot of ground in one day.

    i am very surprised that the little old lady managed to talk to you at all. back when i was a stranger, i could never manage to make eye contact, in order to speak to you. i guess some people don't bother to wait for such social cues.

    i really really like the greeting card.

  2. Yeah, I have a REALLY bad habit of never looking at people's faces. Sometimes I'll remember and then I'll actually look at people, but otherwise it's just me and the sociopaths, baby.

  3. Does yr newspaper have Nancy anymore?
