Wednesday, February 3, 2010

WIP Wednesday: The Eucalyptus, Vapo-Rub, and Honey Edition

So the actual culling down of this week's WIPs was seriously marred by a certain little sickie, who spent a small part of the day snuggled up in her sleeping bag on the couch with tons of stuffies, listening to Winnie the Pooh on CD--
--and a vastly greater majority of the day and evening snuggled up in a blanket on my lap, glassy-eyed and flushed, dripping popsicles and juice all down my front. I'm a sucker for this kid when she's a sickie, on account of she's the one who's spent her life trying harder to break my heart than the other little bruiser has, but still...when I look with longing across the room and fantasize about getting up to clean off the table and give it a good scrubbing? Momma could use a break.

If I had managed to get anything done today (which I didn't), here is what I would have chosen from:

Current Works-in-Progress

  1. book proposal revision: heavily edit, redo one tutorial using a different fabric, redesign, solicit proofreaders, possibly solicit expert contributions
  2. Craftster Read to Me Mommy swap: finish travel felt board scene (with monogrammed carrying bag?), think up and create one more small craft to go with it
  3. sock monkey baby bag: sew it up and send it off to Barefoot Kids
  4. Montessori Parents' Library: prep for my meeting tomorrow (at 7:45 in the freakin' morning!), make signage
  5. school Valentines: crayon hearts this year?
  6. thank-you note to Aunt Peggy: dear god, she sent the girls a generous present for Christmas, and what have I sent her in return? Bupkiss!
  7. Valentine's gifties to little cousins (on account of I ran out of time to send them Christmas gifties): stuffed cousin dolls and something else...hmm, hmm, hmmm...
  8. Valentine's giftie to aunt and uncle (same reason): red wine jelly?
  9. Valentine's giftie to Matt's brother (crap, this is getting bad): decorated picture frames a la little girls
  10. Fair of the Arts application: three pics and some rhetoric

Perhaps the baby will feel well enough tomorrow to lie in bed and watch Land Before Time all day.


  1. Oh No! I'm so sorry your short person is sick. My oldest short person was sick today, too, However, when they're 18 and sick, they are perfectly content to stay home and do nothing but sleep all day.

    I hope she's feeling better soon.

  2. P.S. Does 'soliciting proofreaders' mean searching out true professionals with majors in English or such? Or are you referring to random persons with college degrees who are reasonably intelligent, well read and known to their own assistants as "Grammar Queens"? How does one find proofreaders?

  3. Awww...poor thing. Lex has had a nasty cough/runny nose for about a week. I hope your tiny tyrant gets better soon!

  4. Since the rugrat no longer has a 104-degree temperature, hopefully she'll enjoy staying home from school today and want to lie in bed all day and watch Land Before Time while I get stuff done!

    Soliciting proofreaders means that I'm going to pester everyone I know who's a parent and/or remotely crafty to read my proposal and offer as much criticism as they can muster. Get ready, because the begging will commence in a couple of weeks.

  5. Poor thing. Mine had it last week. Nasty bug. Hey, is that wine jelly for me? Yum....

  6. I'm a parent! I'm moderately crafty! I love helping people out! *annoyingly thrusts hand into air and waves it about* ooooo, pick me, pick me!!!!

  7. You're in!

    Technically, the wine jelly is for Uncle Dennis and Marsha, since I didn't actually get them a Christmas present (oops), but you can't just make one jar...

  8. Ooooh! I'm a parent, and VERY crafty! I'd love to help!

  9. You're in! This is going to be easier than I thought!

  10. Who cares about your girls? I love talking about myself.
