Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Valentines Made by Artists

The girls are less interested in prepping for Valentine's Day than they are in it just BEING Valentine's Day already, but nevertheless, even children have obligations, and Valentine's Day likely incurs the greatest obligations for the under-12 set than any other holiday.

Y'all, we have GOT to make some Valentines.

The girls' school does permit store-bought Valentines, although not Valentines with media characters, so I'm not sure how you're supposed to work that one, but I'll be damned if I'm going to spend a penny on this Hallmark holiday when we are perfectly capable of constructing our own Valentines with stuff we already own, and stuff that is, thus, free.

Therefore the daily sweatshop. Which is also really not that bad because the children are also not asked to bring a Valentine for everyone in their class, but just their special friends. To keep even that lesser amount from getting monotonous, I set out a different Valentine activity every day, so that there's a little more impetus to keep crafting, and no, they are NOT allowed to make every single Valentine be for their mutual friend Ella.

The day before yesterday, the girls made one tray of melted crayon hearts, which is three hearts for each of them to give out. Yesterday was far more productive, with the creation of Artist Trading Card Valentines being fun enough for the girls to make about a dozen total:Willow did most of hers with colored pencil, but Sydney got really into coloring her ATC, then gluing beads onto it:
I found that fun, too:
I got into the habit last year of giving out Artist Trading Cards instead of business cards at craft fairs (I always prefer performing a labor-intensive task over spending any kind of money whatsoever), so if there are any Valentines left unsent, I will be happy to have them join the Pumpkin+Bear ATC stash.

For today's Valentines, I'm thinking of setting out this huge stash of plastic "stained glass" suncatchers and paint that my mother bought for the girls the last time we visited. The girls can have the fun of painting them, and then they can leave my house and be someone else's chore to hang up and display and surreptitiously get rid of when the kids aren't looking.


  1. lovely work. this year cosmo is really into making valentines. ours feature chocolate hearts this year, so that could be part of the excitement.

  2. If we were allowed to give candy at Montessori, I'd be gluing chocolate on EVERYTHING, and shoving it in my mouth as fast as possible, as well.
