Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Pounding and Haunted Houses: A Children's Halloween Party

Some jack-o-lantern oranges, with grapes and apples inside:
Never make these, by the way--they're fiddly and it's nigh on impossible to get the orange flesh out of the peel without having a nervous breakdown. It was much better when I got frustrated and asked the girls to just draw jack-o-lantern faces on whole oranges, which we later peeled and segmented like normal.

Pumpkin-carrot muffins baked in an autumn-themed silicone muffin mold:

I doubled a pumpkin-carrot muffin recipe I found at Daily Unadventures of Cooking, only I used whole eggs instead of egg whites, which I have deemed fiddly. I wasn't sure if I liked these right after I made them--I can always taste the baking powder in the stuff I bake, it seems, even if I've actually followed the recipe--but I had them again for breakfast this morning and they're delicious.

Making Halloween houses (or gardens, or adventure places, or obstacle courses, depending on the child--more on that later):Making, very, very ELABORATE Halloween houses:
Then chilling out with a little light coloring:Pounding the heck out of an innocent pumpkin (more on that later, too):And then running off all that sugar over at the neighborhood playground:
Here's to a successful Halloween party and an early bedtime!


  1. Your Aunt Vicki could peel half of the orange in one peel and never rip the skin. She would have two half round skins perfectly intact. I never figured out how she did that. You could have used her for your pumpkins with apples and grapes.

  2. Glad you liked the muffins. I admit when I made them I had a carton of egg whites on hand. I always feel wasteful (and fiddly!) when I have to separate them too. Unless it is for a meringue or something.

  3. those orange pumpkins are awesome!

    we're throwing a little party this week, too - and my snack ideas are sorely lacking. if only for a theme-y silicon pan! That would solve my problem. But I think I'm too cheap and I'm sure hoping to not hit the store again before the big day...

    p.s. the stormtrooper shirt is AWESOME. I have seen those stencils before and had the same thought about using them on shirts. And... have I done it yet? Heck no - but my 6yo turns 7 in a couple of weeks, so that might happen.

  4. I so bow down to you for making those orange jack-o-lanterns!

  5. The orange jack-o-lanterns looked really cute, but my goodness, I will never make them again! If you're sucker enough to try, I will say 1) use kitchen scissors and an x-acto knife to cut the face and scallop the top and 2) don't harbor any expectations of using the orange flesh that you scoop out for anything else. I basically had to dig out all the flesh with a serrated melon baller and my fingers, and I was way too grossed out to reuse something that I'd had my hands that all over.

  6. CURSES. wish i had been there.
