Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Once More to the Beach

We've visited California often enough by now that we have some definite favorite beaches here, that we go to as often as we can while we're here. Crissy Field in San Francisco is one, and we've been there twice so far, and Ocean Beach, also in San Francisco, is actually a new one that we caught at sunset yesterday and were pretty stoked by. Other beaches, such as Natural Bridges, we're not that excited by--we're beach snobs, I suppose.

Our most ultimate favorite beach by far, however, and my favorite beach of any I've ever been to--black sand, white sand, Iceland, Hawaii, Italy, Florida, Scotland, wherever--is Pebble Beach, the local name for part of Bean Hollow State Beach. Instead of sand, this beach consists of pebbles broken off of a quartz reef offshore, and worn all smooth and awesome:
Sure, they just look like a gravel parking lot from that angle, but check them out up close:
They're just every color you can imagine, black and white and clear and green and shiny and speckled. It's extremely satisfying just to plant yourself belly-down on their warm surface and peer near-sightedly at them--you could pass a contented infinite of time that way. They're also, however, immensely satisfying to play with, all warm and smooth and with a nice weight to them, a nice change from the gritty, sifty sand of the other beaches: And also unlike sand, they have a lot more air between them, and their warm weight is relaxing, so you can actually bury Daddy REALLY deeply while he naps:He came out okay, if a little woozy.

Pebble Beach is also nice for clambering up rocks----and peering into tidepools situated feet from the splashing surf----and taking some time to gaze out into the infinite distance: Of course, after you've spent hours and hours at Pebble Beach, you're all sweaty and grubby and wet anyway, so you might as well go ahead and hit a sandy beach on your way home, just for the novelty of the thing: Some of us like to run with the tide, and some of us like to watch:

There's pleasure to be had in both of the activities, of course, one active, and one profound.

Tomorrow--San Francisco.

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