Friday, May 1, 2009

We're All Going to Be Max

I swear that I'm not a fan of book-t0-movie adaptations, and an entire movie based on a picture book? And yet...

Where the Wild Things Are looks AWESOME!!!

It might be the song that makes me so happy, because I'm a fan of Arcade Fire, but also, that Max costume kills me. So iconic, nostalgic but not in a saccharine way, because Where the Wild Things Areis all about childhood angst. Who can't relate to that?

And the release date is October 16. Know what that means?

Well, Will expended quite the amount of energy last year thinking up a Halloween costume, but she won't have to this year, because this year I am going to make them each a Max costume.

And perhaps one for myself...


  1. This movie does look really good. We can't wait to see it.

  2. It weirdly looks like it might be a little too scary for my littles--Syd's on board for anything, but Will doesn't like to see others in peril. So it might be just me and Matt in the Max outfits on opening night...

  3. i'm used to crying through movies, cosmo is not. he'll love it when he's a little older.

    i've always adored max's wolf suit.
