Friday, February 27, 2009

We are Officially Artists, and We Have the Cards to Prove It

After many, many mornings of creative labor----Willow's ATC Kids' Swap is wrapped up and ready to mail: Watercolor remained a big hit, as did acrylics----but for all the tiny little detail work of the tiny little trading cards, I think that Willow found herself much more satisfied, in the end, with colored pencils. She's gotten pretty representative in her work lately----and only with pencils, probably, could you create an ATC that deserves a caption like this: I think we all found the ATC experience quite inspiring--Will freely calls herself an artist (She has the proof--they are ARTIST trading cards, aren't they?), Matt rediscovered Bristol board as a canvas for the comics he draws, and I'm thinking about organizing a Kids' ATC Swap on Craftster and about using ATCs as my business cards instead of my Moo cards this coming craft fair season (Moo cards are unbeatable, but can get pricey, and shipping from the UK? I can hardly justify it).

In other news, I actually got one of my kids to wash the other kid's hair today:
If these kids didn't need me to constantly pay them so much flippin' attention, my days would be just about made.


  1. are those envelopes you made, from a photo of will? they are so beautiful. wow. i didn't really know about the ATC until you wrote about it. thanks.

  2. I've not yet tried ATC, but I think it'd be a blast...for me more than for my boys who aren't as into art (alas).

  3. Teagen got her card(s) today and LOVED IT! The envelope is very very cool. And Thanks for including the blog link! Our cards went out over the weekend, so be on the lookout. Or if you want a sneak peek, I posted pics of them all on our blog:)

  4. Yay, Will just got the last of her ATCs in the mail! We hearted this swap so much. I am definitely going to host a kids' ATC swap of my own, likely an adult/child collaboration of sorts, so be on the look out.

    I know, photos of your kids on your envelopes, how indulgent is that? But it is one of the many perks of being married to a graphic designer.
