Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Busy Little Elves

It's been a season of bounty the last couple of days, with everything coming in stacks and piles of multiples.

A stack of papers graded and alphabetized, ready to hand out in my last class tonight:Four dozen chocolate chip cookies, to be awarded to my students in exchange for their final papers:
A long line of tiny little record boxes in the making, to be filled with beads and string for a charity project in Will's preschool classroom:
An orderly arrangement of dinosaur cut-outs, salt dough shapes, and popsicle sticks, drying after an exhuberant acrylic painting session:
Tomorrow will bring more of the same, with stacks of tiny little envelopes to cut out and glue and sheets of homemade temporary tattoos to print and cut out, also for Will's charity project, and a heap of candy to stick with mounds of frosting onto a gingerbread house, while visiting with a good friend.

Tonight, though...tonight, after my final class lets out, we have tickets to the IU basketball game. Who are they playing? Why, my alma mater.

Riff ram!


  1. Someone recently asked me if I was an over-achiever; I said no. But, I should have said, "no, I'm not, but you ought to hang out at Julie's blog, because dang, there's one super over-achiever for you!"

    You should teach classes on organization too.

    I'm just going sulk in jealousy now, thank you very much.

  2. Ooh, I always TOTALLY wanted to be one of those blogs people got mad at because they're so awesome! SouleMama is the one that I love to hate because she's so perfect.

    I've shown you pictures of my house, though, right? Doing a lot of fun stuff all day has its price, and that price is a floor you can hardly walk across.
