Thursday, November 27, 2008

Prepping for Black Friday

Here I sit in Joplin, Missouri, in the fine establishment that is Elliott Lodging--at 1:00 am, when Matt and I were finally looking for a motel, Matt all cracked-out from snorting energy drinks and Twizzlers all night, me groggy and desperate from sitting on my broken tailbone for 9 hours, I was all, "We have to get a place with wi-fi! Does that one have wi-fi? Cause I need one with wi-fi!" and Matt's all "Dude! I HEAR you!" So here I sit, seven hours later, blogging. Watching the Jon & Kate Plus 8 marathon on TLC. Cable, y'all! I love myself a good motel.

I'd meant to have all my holiday stuff updated on my etsy shop today--Christmas- and baby-themed record bowls, gift tags, felted wool stockings, a denim quilt--and of course, that did not happen. Next week, hopefully?
Here's what I have updated so far:

Soldered glass Christmas ornaments made from vintage holiday sheet music

Recycled crayon leaves in autumn colors

Baby cap with a stenciled triceratops

Black on black blank books, with some shiny crayons to write on them with.
These join a few other of my favorites:

Ooh, Matt's out of the shower. In half an hour we'll be having breakfast (I wonder if there's a Shoney's near here?), and in five hours we'll be at Aunt Pam's house. Uncle Art makes THE best devilled eggs.

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all.

1 comment:

  1. These are all such nice projects. I especially love the soldered ornaments.

    Happy Holidays!
