Saturday, September 27, 2008

Strange Folk Saturday

It has been a good, good Saturday! If you've never been to an indie craft fair, my friends, I must tell you that I highly recommend it. Just imagine chilling out here in suburban St. Louis with me this weekend, wandering through the enchanted craft forest, visiting over a hundred handmade items vendors and with every one of them you think, "Huh, their stuff is cool!" When you get tired you can take a break over at the alpaca petting zoo or the #6 plastic Shrinky Dink station, and when you get hungry, why, there's both a coffee shop and a booth selling deep-fried Snickers bars. Yum.Here are just a couple of shots of my booth......and a worm.

The girls have been having an awesome time, too. One of the reasons St. Louis was a good choice for a craft fair was that we love spending the weekend there, anyway--zoo, Science Center, The Container Store, Whole Foods--but Matt and the girls didn't even get out of the park today. Not only is Strange Folk in a park with trees to climb and a playground and a picnic blanket with books and toys just behind my booth and lots of grass to run in, but there is also a #6 plastic Shrinky Dink station and a make-your-own necklace table and an alpaca petting zoo, etc. Sydney especially enjoyed the World's Biggest Sandbox: And Willow enjoyed--can you guess?

Matt got this great shot of the two vendors at the mei tai booth, along with their mannequin:

I even got some shopping time while Matt ran the booth with strict orders to smile at people, look pleasant, respond in complete sentences when they spoke to him, and not eat:
Becoming so crafty by habit has unfortunately spoiled my craft fair visiting a little, however, because everything I see, I say something like, "Ooh, a fleece hat with kitty ears! So cool! But I could probably figure out how to make that for myself. Oh, diaper prefolds with quilter's cotton on one side! Um, I could make that, I guess. Vinyl brooches! I should make some of those for myself." But I did find a loophole--supplies! I bought a yard each (so far) of two new awesome cotton fabrics, one of zoo animals and one of the alphabet, and the sock monkey one is kind of calling for me to come back again for it tomorrow. I also bought this beautiful and bright wool roving--

--for making the little felted wool balls from .

All in all, it was a good day for a little money-making, a little shopping, a little spending time with the family...
It was a good day.

1 comment:

  1. Yum...cotton candy...I love that stuff.

    Funny re your dh's manning the booth. ;D That's why my dh would never do that (not that I have any booths to man).

    That's gorgeous wool roving.

    So glad you had a good time!
