Saturday, September 6, 2008

I Heart Tim Horton's

So here I am in Belleville, Michigan, sucking down my second Tim Horton's iced cappuccino of the day and utilizing their premium public wi-fi. Tim Horton's beats Starbucks cold, I tell you. But why, you may ask, am I sitting here six hours to the north of the last place I blogged, i.e. my hometown?

  • Tim Horton's

  • Matt's paternal grandmother, aunt, cousin, and baby cousins (including a six-week-old--squeal!)

  • the Found store in Ann Arbor

  • IKEA

  • Sydney's NICU reunion

And it's been a festive weekend so far. The girls got cherry-tongue at the Ann Arbor farmer's market while Matt and I gorged on an entire loaf each of olive bread and white chedder/jalepeno bread: While we were walking through the covered farmer's market, I spied an awning across the way that read "SuchPrettyColors." Hmm, I thought to myself, that name sounds familiar, and I dragged the family away from the twelve different kinds of tomatoes they were mooning over and went to investigate. When we'd pushed our way through, what did I see but the self-same breastfeeding pendant necklaces that I bought two of on etsy (this one and this one) last year? And there are like four more of them in my wists! The lovely proprietor, Ann Sheppard, comes over, and I immediately screech into her face, "I know you online!" Ann quilts and makes jewelry, among other things, and she has this web site and this etsy shop. I bought yet another breastfeeding pendant, and almost bought this Utamaro one, but seriously, I have to let some other people participate in breastfeeding activism, too. Right? Cause she also does the Sunday artisan's market, so I could go back...

Small world, huh?

The theme for Sydney's NICU reunion at St. Joseph Mercy Health System in Ann Arbor was "Under the Sea." Just like prom, right? There were games and fun stuff for the kiddos--
--although of course we spent the most time at the buffet and the craft table. Totally on-topic for my currently ocean-crazed girlies:
By the way, I have never seen so many multiples in one place in my life. Sydney got to wear a special nametag--
--and Matt remained true to his promise to smack me on the head whenever I got weepy.

It's kind of ridiculous how lucky we are:

Tomorrow--home! I've got lesson plans to prep and two etsy orders to ship and a craft fair to get ready for and Willow's tuition to pay and the yard to lasagna garden and DVDs to return to the library and...

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