Monday, August 25, 2008

On-line Project Findings

Searching for online stencils of horses (the pony panties, they are a-comin'!), I managed to come across--amazing how full of detours online research can be!--lots of interesting how-tos and patterns for cool projects. 

Wanna see? 

HomeStudio gave this tutorial (look for the link to the pdf) for making Scrabble tile pendants with the pretty papers on them to the Make and Takes blog. I've been wondering how this was done. 

I haven't yet made the Bitty Booties from HellomynameisHeather (look for the link from Free Patterns), but FINALLY Matt's cousins have some babies amongst them, so--hello, Christmas!

Pony panties, again--I pulled tons of stencils from Spray Paint Stencils for freezer paper stencils--dinosaurs, vegetables, a unicorn that I ruthlessly cut the horn off to transform into a pony for my big kid, Godzilla, and the Death Star. I found some other Star Wars stencils from Grrl to cover a couple of bleach stains on Matt's shirts.

What's on your on-line project list?


  1. Hello! I just started reading your blog, and I just wanted to say I like your style. Using stencils to cover stains is such a brillant idea! Do you use fabic paint or some kind of dye?

  2. Thanks! I know, it's a brilliant idea--I totally stole it from SouleMama. She has a blog and a book, The Creative Family, and she talks about freezer paper stencilling in both. I use the fabric paints I buy at Dharma Trading Company, along with their freezer paper sheets. If my husband and I stop fighting this weekend (he says I said I'd be "right here" at that one particular booth at the craft fair we were at, which is ridiculous because why would I stay at one random pottery booth for 20 minutes? Much more reasonable is my assertion that I'd be "right here" at the craft fair while he was gone, and everyone knows that if you lose someone, you meet them where you came in, or if your kid is screaming, back at the car--you don't run around a crowded craft fair for an hour and then return to the car and yell in public at your wife who's been waiting for you, and I don't care what he says he did, he did give me a little push) we plan on doing some more freezer paper stencilling tomorrow, so I'll post a tutorial and some product recommendations and show off the Darth Vader I meticulously cut with an exacto knife out of freezer paper for my ungrateful husband.
