Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Newest Fatty Steg

My newest steg, the red shaggy heart fur fatty stegosaurus, is up on etsy:

It's so awesome and stuffie and soft now, but it was a total pain in the butt to make. I actually had to take it apart and resew it three times, because I'd never sewn thick faux fur before. The plates are made of red wool felt from a coat I dumpster-dived a few months back, and this fatty steg supports actual beaded eyes, mostly because it's so furry and fat that otherwise I wasn't sure you'd be able to tell its butt from its tail.

The girls and I went to the park this morning for our fatty steg photo shoot, only to stumble upon the ribbon-cutting for the new little-kids' playground at our park. I'm the only person who was fonder of the searing metal, faded plastic old playground, on account of that one had personality and this one looks like every other bright plastic and coated metal playground in America. So there are all these kids just crawling all over the playground, and then the powers that be go and make them get down so the mayor, a congressperson, a rep from Parks and Rec, and our neighborhood association president can all speechify in front of the equipment. I'm out of the way pushing Sydney on a swing when Willow wanders off, thinks "Cool! Playground equipment all to myself!" and I look over and right over Mayor Mark Kruzan's head as he's speaking, press and audience rapt, is my kid, dressed in a lime green shirt, purple overalls, and ladybug galoshes, happily frolicking. I didn't want to make a scene, so I pretended like I didn't know her. Is that bad?

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