Sunday, June 15, 2008

Goodwill 50%-off Storewide Sale! AHHHHHHH!!!!!

So yesterday after the craft fair, instead of going home and rubbing moisturizer on my sunburn like a reasonable person (BTW, I cannot BELIEVE I sunburned! Not because I applied ample sunscreen, because I didn't, but because I'm so olive-complected and freckley. Freakin' global warming), our family hit both Goodwills for their 50%-off Storewide Sale! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Because I craft from recyclings, these sales are actually important to me professionally, as well as pretty much the only way my environmentally-sound and cheapskate family gets stuff, so I was very sad that I wasn't able to hit the big west-side Goodwill right at the smack of 9:00 am opening like I usually do, and you'll be able to tell from our haul that the stores were slightly picked-over by the time we got there, but we still did very well. Here's the score:

1. Yet another Italian soccer shirt for Matt. He has a lot of soccer shirts.

2. This navy blue silk babydoll dress for me:

I plan to wear it over jeans, but I don't do babydoll, so I need to have Matt help me pin the sides to fit so I can alter it.

3. Yet another work shirt for Matt. I know I buy him a lot, but I get so sick of washing them and line-drying them and putting them away that frankly, I need the variety.

4. T-shirts for quilts:

Let's see... Star Wars (to remake a quilt I sold), Batman (ditto), Superman (ditto), another Star Wars, dinosaur (for the girls' dino quilt), Care Bears (for a quilt in progress), France (a new quilt idea, because I often see lovely France tourist T-shirts), tie-dye (maybe another quilt for the house, but definitely baby bibs and coasters and placemats), and another dino.

5. Awesome!

6. The Lost World I re-read Jurassic Park while at my family's house in Arkansas, and I'm pretty stoked to have the sequel.

7. The Bean Trees: A Novel Don't tell Matt, but I already have this one. It's just that good.

8. A Scrabble game for making tile pendants, but then this happened to it:

9. A 70's style button-down shirt for Willow, probably overstock from The Children's Place, because it still had the original tag on it. This puppy was supposed to sell for $19.50. Seriously? When there are so many shirts at Goodwill for $1.25?

10. A land-line telephone to replace our land-line telephone (bought used a while ago and ridden pretty hard by a couple of sticky-fingered little girls) whose handset doesn't work, so we'd just have to listen to people leaving messages on the answering machine and then call them back, like, two seconds later on the cell.

11. And, of course, a big dinosaur floor puzzle.

Wow, you were really patient to sit here and read about shopping. As a present, here's a gratuitous kitten photo:

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