Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Felted Wool Cupcakes--I'm Obsessed!

Today was Willow's first day of summer vacation back here at home, and so we spent the morning riding the bus to the library for storytime and a craft, playing in the playroom, picking out books, getting lectured by a really mean librarian at the Circulation Desk because Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World: 75 Dairy-Free Recipes for Cupcakes that Rule and are overdue (seriously, you should have to pay the fine OR listen to a lecture, not both), eating a picnic lunch outside by the bear statues, and riding the bus home, and then the afternoon playing outside, stringing beads for necklaces, reading a thousand books, playing Dinosaur Bingo, walking to the playground, walking home in the rain, playing outside in the rain, reading more books, cooking macaroni and cheese for dinner, eating dinner, taking a bath, and watching a Trout Fishing in America DVD. As Willow is laying on the study floor drawing a picture and I am cajoling her into getting ready for bed, she says, "I wish summer vacation was over. It's boring." Sigh.

So while Matt was bathing the girls, I stitched together yet another felted wool cupcake. I am obsessed! I don't know how many felted cupcakes the girls really need to have in their pretend food collection, but I do know that I've got at least another half dozen laid out on the study table to cut out and stitch up. But come on, they're sooooooo cute:
I thought they needed a little something, so I tried adding bows...I dunno. Tips if you're going to make these, though:
  • Cut the cupcake wrapper at an angle so that the bottom comes out narrower than the top, since real cupcake wrappers look like that, not straight cylinders.
  • If you're making these for kids, skip the part in the instructions that asks you to glue the bottom of the cupcake wrapper on. It's not noticeable, and obviously much sturdier, if you hand-stitch it.
  • If you're making these for kids, also forget the part where you stick pretty straight pins into the frosting as decoration--seriously, no. I'm thinking about stitching beads on for the same effect.

And, of course, here's the action shot, in which you can see my lovingly crafted felted wool cupcakes at play:

"Look, Momma! Cupcake smashes the other cupcakes, and then they fall over, and then the cupcake shots them. Shot! Shot! Shot!" Sigh.


  1. you could sew seed beads on as "sprinkles"

  2. How did you do this? Let me know (davidcfarr at Gmail)

  3. How did you do this? Let me know (davidcfarr at Gmail)
