Thursday, May 1, 2008

Digital Scrappy Scrapper

I won't even go into the huge amount of time I spent today working with felted wool and thinking about felted wool--I'm still working on the stuffed creature for my Craftster swap and I discovered that I can use some of the kids' cookie cutters to make templates for my flower pins and I started, with the little kid on my lap, a cover for her scrapbook and I'm contemplating including felt food into my craft fair next month--but I still had time to do yardwork with the kids and go to the gym and think about this magazine article I'm researching and listen to the kids fight in the car:

Big Kid: You're having ice cream cake for your birthday, aren't you, Little Kid?

Little Kid: Tookie take!

Big Kid: No! Ice cream cake!

Little Kid: Tookie take!

Big Kid: I'm going to tell you what to have! Ice cream cake!

Little Kid: Toooookie taaaaaake!


My newest crafting innovation, though, is that while watching The Office tonight, I created a digital scrapbooking page.

I downloaded a ton of free digital scrapbooking kits from Shabby Princess--each one has a theme, and has alphabet, patterned paper, embellishments, etc., and you can insert them as images into your graphic design program. They're BIG files, but after I download each one, I tend to go through them and delete out the stuff I won't ever use. I have yet to print the one page that I created out, so I don't exactly know how awesome it will look, but I will still have to include some actual elements on my page, since I make my books at 12"x12", and this digital page, like my printer, is 8.5"x11".

So far digital scrapbooking seems pretty nice, though. I'm pleased with the lack of actual stuff it involves, since to me that implies less consumerism, and I often like to make duplicates of pages, for instance if I make a page for one of the kids that includes a good friend or a teacher, and this would help with that.

P.S. Want to follow along with my unfinished craft projects, books I'm reading, cute photos of the cats, high school chemistry labs, and other various adventures on the daily? Find me on my Craft Knife Facebook page!

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