Monday, April 14, 2008


No fear--I redid my botched project this morning while the girls played with toy cars on the study floor and it totally looks even more awesome than it did before (I hope my swap partner thinks so, too!), and then I made another item for the little girl in the swap, and then I tried it on Willow, and then Willow begged me to make her one exactly like that one, so maybe I'll be making another one tomorrow...

My big adventures, lately, have been in the perusal and purchase of dinosaur fabric to include in the dinosaur T-shirt quilt I'm making for the girls this summer. I don't usually frame the T-shirts in my quilts, because I tend to like the simplest presentation for what can often be very busy or dramatic and large squares--
but with this dinosaur quilt I thought it might be fun to frame the shirts by showing off the diversity of dinosaur prints available--something along the lines of this quilt, but my designs are generally very bold and I plan to use a variety of fabrics for the framing.

I've already blogged about the numerous gorgeous dino prints I covet on the Web, and how they're all far too expensive for my meager budget. What's a girl to do? Ebay! My maximum price for each item, product + shipping, was $10, and now I've got this:

and this:

and this:and, awesomely, this:This latter I'm going to back and bind and hang as a tapestry in the basement bathroom off of the playroom, which the girls and I are currently painting a combination of aqua green and Incredible Hulk green. The other fabrics will be ample, I think, for the full-sized quilt I'm planning, plus some pillowcases and perhaps extra for dino quilts to sell.

It's really kind of crazy how dinosaurs have grown on me since Willow's own obsession began, way back when. Natural, though, considering that since she's three years old and I'm her mother, I spend as much time reading about them, looking them up on the Web, watching documentaries on them, visiting them in museums, and making up stories about them as she does. I might like them more than cats now.

In other news, I've now joined the community of awesome people with a wist. What's a wist, you ask? It's a Web thumbnail list, indexed by keyword, accessible to anyone. In non-librarian terms, you can put thumbnails of stuff you like--stuff you want to buy, stuff you want to make, stuff that inspires you--on your own page, and anyone can view them, search them by keyword, link through them to the original site, etc. This is my wist. What's yours?

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