Monday, April 7, 2008

A Clean Table

At last, at last! And mind you, this one took several days. Before...

  • diaper bag
  • stacking blocks
  • drywall screws
  • shelf board
  • circular saw (have I mentioned before that my partner has a habit of doing woodworking in the living room, using those two red chairs there as sawhorses?)
  • flashlight
  • dirty bowl
  • knit cap (temperature is in the 70s now)
  • seed packets
  • mail
  • big purple ball
  • Ziploc bags of Easter eggs
  • two shaggy rugs bought for the kids' playroom we're going to build in the basement
  • ornament hangers (from my last craft fair, not Christmas)
  • pants

And, um, that's just the top layer. Notice, again, that hardly any of this stuff is actually, you know, MINE. But I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned and my partner helped me clean and now we have:

Below the table of course, is an empty honey container and a sock and a library book and a sandal. We've eaten at the table now a couple of times, but that was yesterday, and tonight before bed I have to go back and clean the whole thing off again, because today is a new day, and a new day brings new stuff to bring into the house and pile on the table.

P.S. Want to follow along with my craft projects, books I'm reading, road trips to weird old cemeteries, looming mid-life crisis, and other various adventures on the daily? Find me on my Craft Knife Facebook page!

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